I’m literally standing here in my coat after coming straight inside from dropping my kiddo off at school writing this because I think it is so important… I was listening to a Christmas radio station and the DJ was talking about how high fashion right now is characterized as “apocalyptic”. He said the reason is the high anxiety of the world right now with the insane level of hate and fear and all the dark things we see on the news each and every day.
He then went on to describe how the time before Jesus’s birth was similar, with people taking to caves to hide out from the “end of the world”. Jesus, he said, then brought hope. He brought the light that restored the world. The DJ went on to say that this light wasn’t within us (only in Jesus), but that there was hope that the light does exist.
I want to challenge that.
God didn’t present his only son as a spirit, or omniscient voice, or angel to the people of the world. He made him human. He made him like us.
But why?
He did this because just as Jesus was, we ARE the light.
We are always seeking to find the light somewhere outside of ourselves, whether through religion, success, love, you name it. What we have forgotten, is that the light is already inside of us, just like it was inside of Jesus.
We are undoubtedly living in a dark time of history, plagued with mass shootings, terror attacks, and an abundance of fear on several levels. What we need to grab hold of is the hope that LIVES WITHIN EACH OF US. We don’t have to wait for a savior to come save us from the darkness.