Have you ever had one of those dinners/lunches/girls weekend moments where you and your girls are in hysterics over the time your kid pooped in the bathtub (or something equally hilarious, and yes, this DID just happen to me a couple of weeks ago) and you come away from it with sore abs, feeling de-stressed, and supported by someone who knows what you’re going through?
Okay, take THAT feeling, then magnify it with a group environment and coaching from women who share in the hilarity, heartache, magic, failures, and gift of motherhood.
That is the simple purpose of my local Cincinnati group, Rooting Mom.
Rooting Mom is a safe space where you can share whatever is on your mind with the group, be supported, and be given coaching that pertains to YOUR life. Each month we cover a new topic that moms deal with on a daily basis and that has a tendency to bring up #allthefeels.
For October, we’ll be talking about the many faces of mom guilt. How it shows up, how it haunts us, and how to set it aside. I can see your face right now… Set it aside?! How in the hell am I supposed to do that, Sara?!?!
First, I feel ya.
Second, I didn’t say it was easy.
Think about this for a moment though (no matter if you have daughters or sons). Think about what that guilt does to you on the daily. Would you ever wish for even one moment that even a hint of that would be felt by one of your kiddos someday when they’re parents?
I’m guessing that’s a big fat NO!
Okay, so how do we create a world where they don’t have to experience this feeling in the way we do and past generations have? We change our behavior now.
Monkey see, monkey do, ladies. No matter how many times we tell them to do something, they will learn by example time after time.
What’s more than that, though… you deserve, we deserve (I definitely have growth to do here as well) better than the weight of mom guilt. I’m not saying there aren’t moments that you are going to feel like you totally messed up your kid - those are inevitable, let’s be real. But there are tons of others times when you can and should let go of this limiting behavior (ie, feeling guilty last night that I hadn’t given my daughter some leftover birthday cake yet, even though I had taken both kids to ballet, fed both girls, put her sister to bed, felt like poo on a stick (thank you fall allergies), and was finally getting around to making my own dinner at 7:30pm).
If you’re interested in sharing, laughing, and growing, come join us at Pearl’s (on the second floor) in Columbia Tusculum (in Cincinnati) from 7-9pm next Tuesday, October 23rd. You can find more info and sign up (or just show up) here. Leave the kiddos at home for a few hours, grab a drink with us, and share in this community of growth and the secret life of women!