I have been devouring the book Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell lately. It is one of those books that changes your life - truly. The posts you have seen here and on IG lately have been a result of embracing my “weird”, my truth, which has been motivated by what I have read throughout the book.
In Light is the New Black, Rebecca (who is my new spirit animal) offers activities to work your light - to get in touch with your highest truth. I have notes scribbled throughout the copy, several pages dog eared, and things underlined all over the place! Today, I thought I’d do my exercise here with all of you to encourage you to do the same on your own time!
“Write to heal yourself. For as we heal ourselves, we can’t help but heal the world at large.”
Write your own ‘Letter to Self.’ Get a blank piece of paper and write at the top, ‘Dear [insert your name].’ Fill the page with the words you most need to hear. Maybe they’re the words you most need to hear today, or maybe they’re the words you most need to hear five, 10, even 20 years ago. Without judgement let them come flowing. (pg. 261)
Dear Sara,
It’s okay to have flaws. It’s okay to not be perfect in school, in real life. It’s human to make mistakes and learn from them. Don’t let these flaws define your limitations or what you are able to achieve in life. Instead, give them love and accept them for what they are - lessons to learn and ways to grow in this life time. You will always be fully supported with unconditional love that knows no limitations or conditions. You are human. You are a sensitive human.
Take actions and make choices based on your own inner compass, not on the values and perceived desires of others. Speak your truth…. kindly and with love. Do not confine yourself to someone else’s box of ideals, for this will stifle your spirit and prevent you from reaching your true potential and highest self. You do not have to live to make others happy and proud. Live to make yourself proud and give yourself the love you deserve and crave. Only then will you be able to lift others up to their highest potential as you so deeply desire.
Not everyone will want your help. You have been gifted with the ability to see in others things they are not able to see for themselves. You see the light shining from within the darkness and have an inherent desire to help them shine their light. While this is noble and part of your true path, not everyone you come across will be able to see this light, or in a place where they are capable of seeing it. Do not take this personally. Love them for who they are in that moment in time, and do not mourn the loss of who you feel they could be because who they are meant to be is up to them. Show and give love and know that is enough.
Be your authentic self without fear of judgement from others. Yes, you are unique and live in a way some don’t fully understand. You have chosen this time and place to come back into the world, to help grow the light that has been almost snuffed out here on Earth. You can shine your own light in whatever way feels most authentically true to you without fear of harm. This is the time. Now is the time to shine. Stop waiting for permission from someone else - you alone know your highest purpose and you alone can manifest it.
As long as you show up, the universe will continue to provide beyond your wildest imagination. You must ask, and then act. If you don’t act on what is given/presented, the universe and its infinite generosity will get backlogged and you will continue to feel the energetic heaviness of the past. Now is the time to release that discord, begin acting on what the universe is providing, begin truly interacting with Source the way you know you are truly able, and raise the vibration of the Earth and those on it. As you do this, you will be gifted back a life beyond your wildest dreams.
As you continue to take steps to raise those around you, do not forget about your own self-care. You know all too well the physical pain and exhaustion daily life can cause you with certain conditions. To be of best use to yourself and those around you and to live your highest purpose, take action in doing at least one thing for self-care each and every single day. Only then will you thrive.
You are loved. You are cherished. You are light.