As a coach, I work with my clients to create habits that add value to their life. There is a lot of discovery, new thinking, and lots and lots of open-ended questions. I had one client who worked in the quality assurance department at a hospital - she used to crack up throughout our sessions at all of my thought-provoking questions, saying, “there you go again.”
I love asking questions, whether it’s during a session with a client, or just in my daily life (ask my husband, he’ll tell you how much he loves all my questions, lol). Each of us is our own expert. We have a lifetime of experience and knowledge of our inner most wanting and values that no other person could ever completely absorb. Typically, I ask questions to help others leverage all this juicy knowledge that is already inside them, waiting to be called. They use this awareness to create a routine around something that is important to them that can then become an ingrained habit in their lives, keeping that value add present over the long haul.
And then 2020 pulled the rug out from under the world.
Habits? Routine? What can those even look like at a time when all normalcy has completely disintegrated?
In the recent past, let’s just say 100+ years, as a collective we have continued moving faster and faster, fitting more and more steps into our daily routines. We have become masters at doing all the things and novices at doing nothing. We move at a dizzying rate to get all the “important” things done in a day.
Covid has brought the merry go round to a grinding halt, and the whiplash has been brutal from being thrust into a world of unknowns…
Will I still have a job tomorrow?
Will we fall into a financial depression?
Will there be a cure or treatment?
What will happen for our children and schools?
Will life ever be normal again?
Where can I go that is safe outside my home?
We’re not used to not having the answers at our fingertips at this point in evolution thanks to evolution - it’s a terrifying experience for most. However you need to get through your day and all of the unique circumstances, you are your own best expert. As a mom and a coach, I know the power and support having a routine can lend.
They are reliable, something sorely lacking for all of us right now.
They add value to our lives and help us move toward what is most important to us.
They build confidence.
The lend structure and comfort.
But… what if those routines, the reliability of knowing what’s coming and having immediate access to the answers is exactly the thing holding us back from evolving?
There is a shift going on in the energy around us. Even for those not in tune with the vibrational pulls of Earth and our surrounding multiverses, it’s almost impossible not to feel the change. What if this well-oiled machine we’ve built in the 21st century is preventing us from ascending into our true potential?
I am both an empath, a high frequency being, AND a type-a control freak. I more easily flow with personalities and the people around me than I do with situations. The past few months have been rough for me. I’ve gotten through most of it by sheer avoidance, really. By continuing to brush aside the anxiety, the discomfort, the anger. It’s kept me above water, for the most part. What I’m discovering, however, is that to move through 2020 and all the things she has brought with her, we have to lean into the discomfort and the unknown element.
It is time for us to trust and allow that there is a reason for the violence, anger, death, social reckoning, and pain that surrounds us. To embrace ALL side of our humanness, especially the parts we would rather sweep under the rug and not deal with. Embracing these human aspects of ourselves can serve to not only ground us, but will also be the catalyst for our ascension. The world as we have known her is changing and growing. If we want to see what comes next, we have to change along with her.
With that said… Coach Sara is (outside of my kiddo’s school schedule and my work schedule, lol) telling you to let go of the rigidity of your routine and habits. Embrace instead and get to know how to flow with life’s ups and downs. Be fluid like the water that runs through each of us and sustains life in this world. Let go of the assumption that we know what is best and see what the universe is ready to gift us.