The soul of an empath is hard to contain in the human vessel. It swells constantly, threatening to outgrow the body it inhabits. This is part of why empaths feel like they’re coming apart at the seems, especially now in 2020 where the energy of the world is coming to a historical height.
It’s easy for an empathic soul to want to shy away from the heavy and negative energy that has swelled in 2020 and the years building up to this point in recent Earth’s history. The constant assault on both the heart and throat chakras, not to mention the high heart are unfathomable. Theses beatings have been happening around the world for generations, and have now also permeated into spaces of Earth’s land that have been kept “hidden” from the negativity/hatred/violence.
Because of the heavy weight of these energies, it doesn’t take long for the dark energy to permeate an empath’s aura. It feels like lugging around a ball and chain, honestly. I remember my brother telling me when he was stationed in Afghanistan that he could feel the millennia of strife and death emanating from the Earth’s surface - something that hung heavy just like the air around him. In an age where this type of heaviness is seeping into so many aspects of peoples lives and energy, it’s crucial for us as empaths to learn how to weather the storm.
And even more than that, how to continue growing our light, so that we can continue to ignite the energetic power grid of Earth, so that we can continue moving forward toward being 5th dimensional beings.
But how? How the hell are we supposed to continue shining our light when it’s so hard to block out the fear, hatred, combustion, and combative energy that surrounds us?
We know this much - it’s not easy, ammiright? But just as I tell my girls… we can do hard things.
As mothers, this may be our generation’s greatest challenge and most important contribution to history. There is a palpable divisiveness between two groups of people in the world right now - those wanting to merge together and those wanting to remain separate.
Since the birth of the first Indigo child on Earth, energetic fields have been shifting, vibrations raising, and we are ascending into our true connectedness. While our bodies are different and separate from one another, our collective consciousness is one. This is a fight right out of Game of Thrones. It will and is testing our resolve, our inner most values, and is charging us to use all the lessons we’ve learned over lifetimes of soul contracts.
It’s time. As an empathic Indigo child (bit of a double negative, lol), I can feel this fight draining me every day. I’ve been on the precipice in recent years of feeling something about to dawn. I wasn’t sure if it was in my own life, my own purpose, or that of the collective, but I now understand there is no difference. They are my purpose because I am the collective just as you are the collective.
We are a divine collective of warrior souls who are meant to rise above the storm and usher in a new world. This is no easy feat and will challenge us in ways we can’t yet imagine. But we’re ready. I can feel it and I can see it. I can see if in the desperate last ditch effort being put up by those not yet comfortable with the thought of the collective, of ascending into the 5th dimension. I can see it in those rising above the noise and standing up for the souls around them who have suffered persecution for far too long. I can see it in a new wave of women leaders across our government. I can see it in more and more people feeling comfortable sharing who they truly are - allowing the true colors of their soul to shine through in the physical realm. I can see it in our children - in their enormous and tender hearts. In their acceptance of one another, and the light emanating from within.
They will someday take the reigns and take the Earth experience to its next experience. It’s our destiny to break down the old ways that no longer work for what our next steps are, and begin building the foundation for what is to come.
Getting through this piece is our defining moment. Moving through it with grace, humility, and strength will keep us afloat. I almost said a quiet strength, but gone are the days for quiet. It is time to strongly use your voice and your energetic power to break through the static. Use these four steps as your guiding pillars each day. Consider the impact of your actions, or lack thereof, and focus your intention each morning. Even just the first two parts will dramatically help that “coming out of my skin” feeling and will set you up to embody your intent. The second two pieces will allow your intention to make a tangible impact. You’ve got this, mama!
The term “new age” is there for a reason, ladies… we are on the dawn of a new world. One that requires us to continue opening up our beings to meditative guidance. Meditation is how we listen to the universe and its messages for us. For generations, prayer has been used to ask for guidance, for help, etc. But prayer is simply asking. To truly make the change, we have to listen to what needs to come next, so we may act on that inspiration.
I don’t mean you need to go all Marie Kondo or start scrubbing your house from top to bottom, lol. Although, by all means, go for it - it feels so good to clear the cobwebs! No, what I mean is clean your energy… daily. Even though we may not be out in the world as much as we have been before March 2020 and Covid hit, that doesn’t mean we aren’t picking up other peoples energy thought the day. As fear, anxiety, and depression continue to climb the charts in the face of the unknown, energy is becoming stickier and stickier and clings to empaths like tar. To prevent it from weighing you down, imagine a rain shower of bright white light cleansing you from above. Allow the energy that isn’t yours, and any negative energy that is yours, to be washed away and taken into the Earth. There it will be neutralized where it can no longer harm anyone.
You cannot pour a glass of water for someone else when you are pouring from an empty pitcher. It is not selfish to care for yourself - for your energy, for your physical health, for your mental and emotional health. It is imperative for the collective for us to do this. For us to give all of ourselves to those around us in the way we are so called to do, we HAVE to refill our cups first. It isn’t an option. We can’t serve others when we ourselves are empty. And even beyond this - doing this in the face of our children will only teach them to do the same. To break the cycle, we have to make the change ourselves first and set the example for those who come next.
It’s so easy to stay indoors right now - in our safe home environments where we can close ourselves off to what is going on in the world at large. Know this - doing this, especially as empaths and Indigo children, will only work to keep this heavy energy here longer. We have to first move through the problem before we will reach the light on the other side of the tunnel. We have to put in the work. We have to fight for what is right. We have to act - speak out, protest, lift others up using your strengths (just as I am attempting to do here), create. It isn’t about the “what” piece, it’s about doing it - something.